ARRIVAL of animal welfare dogs
Our dogs from animal welfare abroad have a long journey ahead of them before they start their new life.
The dogs' journey is fraught with excitement and tension. Most of them usually get into a vehicle for the first time and have no idea what is happening to them. The transport company we work with specializes in the transport of animals, there are specifications for the equipment of the vehicle and there is a supply on the way, but the transport is a very stressful situation for the dogs. They are in transport boxes or –Cages and are lined up next to and on top of each other. This allows the dogs to hear, smell and see each other for at least 24 hours.
Stops are made on the way to give the dogs fresh water and food, but they stay in their boxes in the vehicle the entire time. The danger is simply too great of losing a dog at a rest stop because it tears itself away in panic or squirms out of the harness and collar.
safety first
When they arrive at their destination, the dogs are accepted by their adopters or foster homes. It should really be ensured that the dogs are secured twice with a collar and a harness plus two leashes. Nobody can judge how the dogs react after the long transport and in completely strange surroundings.
A panicked dog can break free from a normal collar in a few seconds. Therefore, a double backup is mandatory here! Please never use a flexi leash at this point, as it is far too unsafe and will cause panic if the handpiece falls on the floor.
at the meeting point
The moment when the new family member arrives and leaves the transport box is magical and something very special. The adopters are excited and the dogs? They look around with big eyes and do not yet fully understand that they have finally arrived in a new life, at home forever.
There are dogs that jump out of the box with the motto "Hello, here I am, what are we doing?" and then there are the more cautious dogs who start their new future a little slower. Every dog takes the excitement of transportation differently and needs more or less time to build trust in its new family. It is always good to first crouch down and slowly establish contact. Puppies and small dogs often feel more comfortable in their arms and observe the situation from there. The dogs are usually not used to being kept on a leash, so you have to show them carefully where you want to lead them.

back home
Basically, you should keep the pick-up situation as short as possible and bring the dog into the safe car. It is absolutely inadvisable to take your dog home on foot or by public transport. No matter how short the way is. If you don't have your own car, you have to borrow one or ask friends and family for support.
Various modes of transport should be prepared in the car. This can be a blanket or a transport box in the trunk or on the back seat. Many dogs have a problem getting back into a box or cage after a long transport, so it is good to get a seat belt for the dog with which you can secure it in the back seat. A family member should sit with the dog and calm it down while driving or just be there. It helps small dogs and puppies to take them on their laps.
Hopefully it goes without saying that you put on clothes that are allowed to get dirty. The car should also be covered with blankets and towels if you are afraid of dirt.
The dogs come straight from the animal shelters, defecate and wet themselves in their transport boxes and smell and look accordingly. Frightened and insecure dogs lose a little pee when they greet their new owners or when they are lifted into the car. You should definitely be prepared for this and approach this situation with a certain serenity. Clothes and blankets can be washed again and the dog can be bathed after a few days.
pick up alone
The pick-up situation is stressful and exciting, you should always keep that in mind. It therefore makes no sense to bring your first dog or the whole family with you. It is important that the first dog and the new protégé get to know each other on as neutral ground as possible, as the reunification then contains less potential for conflict. However, the pick-up location is usually not suitable for this. Especially if you got into the same car after a few minutes, the situation between the two of them would be far too tight.
It is therefore advisable to pick up the new dog and drive it home. There you can go to a nearby, quiet meadow and carefully bring the dogs together. When the first dogs are relaxed, the reunification can also take place in the garden. The owners should take care to be calm and calm themselves and not to bring any tension (for example by pulling on the leash or disciplinary measures) into the situation. The merge should take place without pressure.
When they get together, the dogs don't necessarily have to sniff each other if they don't want to. You can also linger a few meters away and slowly move in a circle so that the dogs can absorb each other's markings and scents. Depending on how curious or shy the new dog is, this first short walk or the reunion can take a few minutes to half an hour. Then you should start the common path to the common home. It was better to remove everything that could potentially trigger a dispute, such as; Toys, chewing bones, food bowls, possibly also baskets. Then the tour of discovery can begin.
Note: this type of reunification is suitable for first-time dogs who are generally compatible with conspecifics and who know that dogs come to visit. If the first dog is not used to such situations, then it should be tested before the arrival of the new protégé.
new home
When you arrive at your new home, you should make sure that the lines are only removed when all doors and windows are closed. Unfortunately, dogs have already jumped out of open windows. As long as everything is safe, the dog can relax and explore the new home. It is good to just let him do it. You can make yourself a cup of coffee or tea and sit back and relax on the floor, making contact easier. A separate water bowl and basket are of course prepared for the new protégé. When the first tour of discovery has been made, the first thing to do is to relax and follow everyday life in a relaxed manner. You can offer the dog a chewing bone or some food.
It is very relaxing for the dogs when the adopters go about their daily tasks and not sit in front of the dog all the time and look at it expectantly. In between you can always sit down on the floor and lure the dog to you. The dog decides for himself whether he wants to be in contact at this moment or not. Should he come, you can offer a small treat out of hand or stroke it with slow and calm hand movements.
Very anxious dogs are better brought to the new home in the transport box. There the box should be placed in a quiet place. If it is a cage, it makes sense to put a blanket over the cage so that the dog feels safe, like in a cave.
Now you can open the door of the box or the cage and leave it open. The dog should be able to decide for himself whether and when he wants to come out of the box. Sometimes it takes a few days for the dogs to venture out of the box. This often happens at night when they feel unobserved.
Offer food and water.
As a person, you are welcome to put treats in the box when you walk past them or say a few friendly words. It is important not to put pressure on the frightened dog. The dog does not have to take treats out of hand or allow himself to be petted in the box. That should be built up in very small steps. Here, too, it usually helps best if you follow normal everyday life and let the dog arrive in peace and leave him his crate as his retreat.